There are some sites that offer information. Other websites purely look to make money. But sometimes you just don’t see the obvious benefits of owning a primary generic domain. Take It was owned many years ago by a different owner than it’s owned by today.

The owner of stated that “young women interested in sharing a shower with Jesus can now have their dreams come true.” The site included links such as Date Jesus (who by the way according to his resume likes “Long romantic walks, lying on a grassy field at night gazing into the stars”, “shower with Jesus”, “sermons” ” multimedia”,”music” and “contact”.

Also included is the following “All requests from young women in the DC Metro area will be considered. Women from out of town will have to handle their own travel provisions, though a guest room is often available if needed. In most cases Jesus will be available and eager to speak to you about spirituality if desired. If you are not spiritual, Jesus will share a beer and pleasant existential banter.”

to see the old version of the site click here